Ticks are parasites that live within our animal’s coat, it has different sizes and different types. One fact may not know is that it is also capable to make a home on human skin. A very small pest could not only infest on a living skin but could also suck all the blood out of its host. They are little vampires, that’s true. If you are dealing with ticks, it will be best if you book an appointment at the nearest vet or browse through online vets such as vetster and you’ll know that you’ve come to the right place to know all about it. For an additional helping hand, this article will help you distinguish the signs, symptoms, prevention, tips on fighting off ticks and fleas, treatments, and medications against these pests.
There are a number of symptoms your dog may show if they are infected with fleas or even if they don’t feel well. To fully understand what our furry friend is trying to show us, here are 8 signs your dog may be infected with fleas:
- Constant itching
Ticks crawl and bite onto our dog’s skin causing them to feel discomfort and itching. To help your dog from all the itching, you can purchase over-the-counter medications, shampoo, and anti-tick and flea products available.
- Hair loss
Constant itching and discomfort could also result to hair loss. Ticks produces and releases their natural chemicals which cause irritation and allergic reactions to our dog’s coat.
- Muscle pain and swollen joints
Tickborne diseases can cause our dogs to feel headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, and swollen joints. This symptom could be a result of a more complicated and painful tick infestation.
- Skin Lesions
As ticks, fleas, and lice bite onto our pup’s skin, it causes their skin to swell and bleed especially when the tick has stuck on their skin for too long that the dog is feeling discomfort and pain.
There is exactly no cure for ticks and fleas, so as an alternative, there are a lot of tick and flea prevention products present on the market. Such as shampoo, medications, vaccines, and more. To broaden this topic, listed below is an effective list to prevent the spread of ticks and fleas.
- Vaccines should be up to date
Vaccines play an important role in preventing the infestation of ticks and fleas. It helps boost their immune systems, strengthen their organs, and bones, and protects their coat from pests.
- Keep your dog’s area clean
Ticks can also be transmitted from other dogs and nature itself. If your dog’s area is not clean and sanitized, ticks will most likely appear and settle within the new habitat. This could also result in your dog’s slow healing and maybe more health complications.
- Bathe them twice a week
Bath, sanitation, hygiene, and cleanliness will greatly help prevent ticks and fleas. Bathing also includes the usage of anti-tick and flea shampoo and conditioner which will protect the dog’s coat from pests.
There are a lot of treatments available for ticks and fleas, this includes the products used to prevent infestations, vaccinations, medications, and more. All can be acquired through vet appointments. if your dog is suffering from infestations, it will be best to consult a vet for more professional advice and treatments.
Ticks and fleas could be a very dangerous pest one pup could acquire. It can be transEspecially when not treated immediately, it could cause severe complications and infestations which could possibly also affect other humans and dogs around them. Thus, as a pet owner, it is your responsibility to keep your furry friend safe and protected against any sickness or pests that may cause complications.